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OOOPPPSSS....Never text and fly...

Posted by
A journey (Edmonton, Canada) on 2 March 2013 in Transportation and Portfolio.

Canon EOS 60D 1/2000 second F/5.6 ISO 800 200 mm

Olivier from Manage, Belgium

Great action shoot...

2 Mar 2013 8:38pm

@Olivier: tks and i cant believe how close the plane got to the yacht!

B. Thomas from Arlington, Texas, United States

I have ridden in float planes (Alaska) and sailboats (Caribbean), but tough to say which one of these in your shot I'd rather be on. Oh, wait, neither one if the pilot is texting... ;-)

7 Mar 2013 9:41pm

@B. Thomas: the way he threw that plane around and curved his takeoff around the back of that yacht...he was obviously very distracted by something...turns me off flying and given Im about to relocate to Nth America to live and had thought of wilderness flights Nth Canada Im rethinking those adventures lol lol lol

Canon EOS 60D
1/2000 second
ISO 800
200 mm
